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Explosion Proof General Purpose Foot Mount Motors
1MB21211AB314AG3 | ABB 1.5HP 4P
ABB NEMA XP100, Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled, Cast Iron, Premium Efficient, AC Electric Motor For Explosion Proof Applications: 1.5HP, 1800RPM, 3-Phase, 60Hz, 230/460V, 4.2/2.1FLA, 1.15 Service Factor, 145T Frame with Rigid Base, F1 Mount, DE Ball Bearing
Y154XPEA41A-P | TOSH 1.5HP 4P 230/460V
Toshiba EQP Global-XP, Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled, Cast Iron, Premium Efficient, AC Electric Motor For Explosion Proof Applications: 1.5HP, 1800RPM, 3-Phase, 60Hz, 230/460V, 4.8/2.4FLA, 1.15 Service Factor, 145T Frame with Rigid Base,F1 Mount, DE Ball Bearing
00158XT3H145T | WEG 1.5HP 4P 575V
WEG W21, Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled, Cast Iron, Premium Efficient, AC Electric Motor For Explosion Proof Applications: 1.5HP, 1800RPM, 3-Phase, 60Hz, 575V, 1.64FLA, 1.15 Service Factor, 143/5T Frame with Rigid Base, F1 Mount, DE Ball Bearing
00156XT3E143T | WEG 1.5HP 2P 230/460V
WEG W21, Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled, Cast Iron, Premium Efficient, AC Electric Motor For Explosion Proof Applications: 1.5HP, 3600RPM, 3-Phase, 60/50Hz, 230/460V, 4.10/2.05FLA, 1.15 Service Factor, 143/5T Frame with Rigid Base, F1 Mount, DE Ball Bearing
00156XT3H143T | WEG 1.5HP 2P 575V
WEG W21, Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled, Cast Iron, Premium Efficient, AC Electric Motor For Explosion Proof Applications: 1.5HP, 3600RPM, 3-Phase, 60Hz, 575V, 1.64FLA, 1.15 Service Factor, 143/5T Frame with Rigid Base, F1 Mount, DE Ball Bearing
X32P1B | USM 1.5HP 2P 230/460V 143T
Nidec-US Motors Explosion Proof, Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled, Cast Iron, Premium Efficient, AC Electric Motor For Explosion Proof Applications: 1.5HP, 3600RPM, 3-Phase, 60Hz, 230/460V, 3.9/1.9FLA, 1.15 Service Factor, 143T Frame with Rigid Base, F1 Mount, DE Ball Bearing
X32P2B | USM 1.5HP 4P 230/460V 145T
Nidec-US Motors Explosion Proof, Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled, Cast Iron, Premium Efficient, AC Electric Motor For Explosion Proof Applications: 1.5HP, 1800RPM, 3-Phase, 60Hz, 230/460V, 4.3/2.1FLA, 1.0 Service Factor, 145T Frame with Rigid Base, F1 Mount, DE Ball Bearing
X32P2G | USM 1.5HP 4P 575V 145T
Nidec-US Motors Explosion Proof, Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled, Cast Iron, Premium Efficient, AC Electric Motor For Explosion Proof Applications: 1.5HP, 1800RPM, 3-Phase, 60Hz, 575V, 1.7FLA, 1.0 Service Factor, 145T Frame with Rigid Base, F1 Mount, DE Ball Bearing
XP1/54 | TECO 1.5HP 4P 230/460V 145T
TECO TEXP, Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled, Cast Iron, Premium Efficient, AC Electric Motor For Explosion Proof GP & SD Applications: 1.5HP, 1800RPM, 3-Phase, 60/50Hz, 230/460V, 4.3/2.15FLA, 1.15 Service Factor, 145T Frame with Rigid Base, F1 Mount, DE Ball Bearing
XS32P2A14 | USM 1.5HP 4P 208-230/460V
Nidec-US Motors Explosion Proof, Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled, Rolled Steel, Premium Efficient, AC Electric Motor For Explosion Proof Applications: 1.5HP, 1800RPM, 3-Phase, 60Hz, 208-230/460V, 4.7-4.6/2.3FLA, 1.15 Service Factor, 145T Frame with Rigid Base, F1 Mount, DE Ball Bearing